Contact Us for a Free Consultation 561-626-6007

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have a case?

A short FREE consultation, is all that is needed to determine if you should hire an attorney. In most cases, we can help you.

How can I afford an attorney?

The cost and fees of litigation can be substantial. Because we understand that problem, we handle all cases on a contingency basis. That means, you do not pay any money to us, and you do not owe any money to us, until we make a recovery for your case.

How do I pay for the expenses of my case?

Our law firm will advance the expenses. We will be reimbursed at the conclusion of your case from a portion of the money we recover for you.

Who will work on my case?

Attorneys will handle your case. Also, our team of legal assistants and investigators will help the lawyers. Our firm is based on our motto: “We take your personal injury case personally.”

Can the lawyer settle my case without my knowledge?

No, we will not settle your case unless you authorize it.

If I am in pain, should I go to the hospital?

If you feel your injuries are life-threatening then definitely go to a hospital and you can even request to be transported by ambulance, but if you are not sure how serious your injuries are, a good place to start is a walk-in Urgent Care Clinic, they are typically much faster, cheaper, and if they suspect your injuries are serious they will send you to the hospital ER right away.

Who pays my medical expenses?

Under Florida No Fault Law the first $10,000.00 in medical expenses is typically covered under your auto insurance policy using the State Required Personal Injury Protections benefits, you are also allowed to submit lost wages and mileage reimbursement. You must be initially treated within fourteen days of the crash date. You must also submit an Emergency Condition Report within the course of treatment for the insurance company to pay above the first $2500 in medical bills to the $10,000 limit.

Contact Stillman Injury Law in Lake Worth, FL Today

Getting the legal help you need is right at your fingertips. Please call us at 561-626-6007 or contact us online to schedule a Free Consultation. We will discuss your case, explain your options, and help you determine your next best steps.  


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